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Press Room​​



Photo Flash: Whoopi Goldberg, Sting, Janet Langhart Cohen and More Visit Bryan Cranston at "ALL THE WAY" (

Bryan Cranston, starring as LBJ in "All the Way," was lauded recently by an impressive array of celebrities and dignitaries. Whoopi Goldberg, Trudie Styler, Sting, playwright Janet Langhart Cohen ("Anne & Emmett") and former Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen paid him a visit backstage, and you can check out a photo below! (more…)















Haymarket Theatre brings "Anne & Emmett" to life (

Director Bobby Bonaventura had writer’s block. Frustrated, he turned on the TV to an interview with playwright Janet Langhart Cohen and her husband, William, former United States Secretary of Defense. In the interview, Cohen said that instead of taking her play, “Anne & Emmett” to Broadway, she was more interested in having her play shown in schools (more…)


Play written by civil rights advocate opens Thursday 
at Haymarket Theatre (

The Haymarket Theatre, 803 Q St., will present “Anne & Emmett,” written by civil and human rights advocate Janet Langhart Cohen, beginning Nov. 21 (more…)


Playwright to attend Haymarket Theatre production
of "Anne & Emmett" (Lincoln Journal Star)

Janet Langhart Cohen’s friend meant no harm with her words, but what she said to Cohen bothered her. The African-American author, journalist and activist had just published her book “From Rage to Reason: My Life in Two Americas,” which dealt with her personal and ethnic history, including her experiences with racism (more…)


Janet Langhart Cohen asks President Obama to speak out about race relations in her July 16 Op-Ed piece in The Washington Post

In the wake of the not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, President Obama has called on the American people to engage in calm reflection. Few expected the president to denounce the verdict or call upon people to take to the streets in protest (more...)


“Janet Langhart Cohen: Her Essay May Have Moved the President to Finally Speak on Race.” Read about and listen to this August 15th interview here.​

We, each of us, have two personas. The one people perceive us to be — based solely on superficial aspects (how we look or act in public); and the one that we truly are, as realized by those who actually know us. (more…)


Janet Langhart Cohen Speaks About Race Relations on C-SPAN's Washington Journal


by Janet Langhart Cohen



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